Friday 27 February 2009

我忍 我忍 我还需要怎么忍

丫:天啊。求你了 别这么折磨我 .
风 :gg这么爱你,怎么忍心折磨你哈!
丫:偶的娘啊 !

以前 关于咖啡.
(除了一个好朋友去了dubai那7星酒店后回来说2杯咖啡500人民币外 似乎没听过其他地方上百一杯的).

过马路 ---
风:我牵你过去吧 .
丫:我自己可以的 .
风:没关系的,让你赚点便宜我无所谓的 .

风:单位不能上网,只能上内部网络。要不然为何手机上QQ啊,打字累死了 .
风:是不是超级感动,想以身相许啊 .

风:why .
风:我都不嫌晚你嫌晚呀 .
丫:我嫌的 .
丫:我明天休息 .
丫:我和一个女孩子一起逛了 .
风 :不是出去逛么?怎么还没有出去啊 .
风 :我去你那上网,你们去逛街,然后一起跑步好不啦 .
丫:不行。我那朋友很成熟的女孩子 .
风 :难道见到帅哥就想吃他豆腐?那我委屈点,让她吃好了.
丫: 不用委屈您了呢 !

丫:今天休息啊 我不是工作的机器 在家.
风:那陪你在家上网玩好不啦 .

风:晚上陪你工作or跑步好不啦 .
风:下班啦,想陪陪你嘛 .
丫:我同学不喜欢男孩子来 .
风:555,你对gg太不好啦 .
丫:这不为了锻炼你的心身嘛 .

丫丫在工厂办事 ---
风:在忙啥呀 .
风:陪你好不啦 .
丫:路费我没打算给你报销 .
风:偶自己出哈 你要是觉得愧疚,也可以给我报销哈 偶喜欢蹭饭 .
丫:我希望你别来。我喜欢男性买单。不喜欢女性买单 .
风:可偶喜欢蹭饭,咋办涅 .
风:答应偶滴包包现在都没有给偶涅,折现卖给你***元吧 你用它来请偶吃饭吧, 嘻嘻…… 丫:我受不了了,拿把刀捅我吧 .

丫:我希望你能马上找到一个适合你的 年龄也相当的.
风:所以两个好孩子才要偷情玩呀! 你那么狠心抛弃了人家,难道不补偿下人家么? (偶的娘啊,我什么时候接受过了!!!!!!)
丫:晕死了,什么时候抛弃过你辣 ,接受都没接受 .
风 :如果你舍得的话,打死我吧!
丫:不好 。我抠门 .不喜欢请你吃饭 .
风:那我请你吃吧 .

Thursday 26 February 2009

who knows

when going out, sunnie always wear in nice way. watch, ear-ring, bag, shoes, clothes should match.

but when in door, she looks so terrible, have worst taste in the world. She was thinking that if one day she get married, her future husband would abandon her quickly. God bless him and her.


today is my birthday. as i on business trip these days.

thanks for my friends, especially....

and my suppliers helpped me to celebrate. they r so nice

Friday 20 February 2009

worn out a pair of shoes

I am so proud of myself.

today i found one pair of shoes worn out during 3 monthes, within 26 years, not have such ability(ohh last year also another one). Wow. Was so worry that winter is ending, where to put these shoes(after throw out a lot, the terrible girl sunnie still have 25 shoes. Also 20 ear rings, 15bags, 10 watches,15 scarfs even a lot throw out, must be crazy, need to stop doing such stupid things soon). Finally, this one not need to take any space.
very so happy. Just as when last phone lost, then i can get my favorite phone without thinking it is waste of money
Last day to wear the shoes. Wish them all the best in rabbish bin.

Thursday 19 February 2009

53% devil

S: I am so sad about....

N:Not be sad, let's have apples.

S: Ahh, u make me sadder by eating the apple i bought.

J: Hi Sunnie.

S:Hi Lazy J.

(no reply from J).

S:Hi not lazy at all J.

J:haha, u r the best.

S:I also think so. u r the second best.

Sunnie said Hello to Amit, but Amit reply very late.

Amit: Sorry, i was out then.

Sunnie: No worry, i can forgive u.

Amit:oh thank you. i worry u might not.

K: Can i be ur bf

S: I am bad girl, to protect u, let's just be friends

K: Please do not pretect me.

Sunday 15 February 2009

52% devil

1.Sunnie went to shopping with a friend. She tried seems ok, so i help her to try this cloth, it looks very good on me. I insist her to buy. she very surprise:"why u not buy" "because u buy, then i can borrow from u. a good way to save my money."
(just kidding with her, i always willing to pay for her bill when eat together)

2. Sunnie always create all chance to praize herself and say bad words of others on back. This time with her drive teacher
S: Sir, don't u think it is very boring with another student? She not talk much, always be scilent. But with me, very funny. teaching me is very good job, don't u think so?
T: I am get used for other students not talk so much.

3. After share apartment with my best friend. Her life quality turns much better. I cook dinner for her(sometimes, she cook. but my cooking skill is better, wiiiiiiiiiii). If eat outside, i will bring food to her. On weekend morning, i will give bread and milk to her when she still in bed.
last saturday the first words from her mouth is "i cannot stand for our company's workers.... .... ..."
Sunnie: honey, for the boys who love u, and u wanna to get rid of them. I suggest them to live next door with u. once they saw u in Saturday early morning, the first word come out is ur work. they give up to pursue u quickly.

Sunnie: everything in china's price rise. even noodles
Amit: What will u do? U eat 20% of whole china's noodle

5. Amit has wrote on his msn: happy birthday for kay. for one monthes, forget to change back
Sunnie: Hey, kay's mom really had so hard time?
Sunnie: she spend one month time birthing a babe

6. Sunnie: what kay give u on ur birthday
Amit: two t-shirt, one CD, one player, one cup, one.....
Sunnie: Ohh, i see. She own a supermarket.

Friday 13 February 2009

small body, big heart

every time saying goodbye with friends or family members will make us slight sad.

sometimes, after finish phone, one is waiting for the other to put down phone at first, as the "du........... du........."sound from phone will make us a little sad. But the one will wanna to themselves suffer from "du....... du........" rather than the other suffer that.

also when saying bye to others, one is waiting for the other to turn and walk to the far place until cannot been seen. Because she or he wanna to leave the sadness to her own.

and when online, when saying bye, one is waiting for the other to log off, until the head of the Skype or Msn's head turn to dark. As he or she wanna the other party not feel lonely. Just as before u arrive to home, the light is always on,until u fall asleep, there is some one turn off the light for u. So u not need to suffer from the darkness and lonely at all.

happy valintines day!

Monday 9 February 2009

Kate Moss make up compare

after make

before make .
Kate Moss's make up skill is terribley good.
Sunnie's make up skill is terribly bad. Seems not make up is much better.

learning driving 2

today is first day to learn how to drive.

Wow, exciting. The teacher almost frighten by me. Once he asked me to brake, each time i got nervous and suddenly brake. He fasten his belt quickly to avoid to fly out of the window.

And on the way back home, it is myself drove home. Proud of me, WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII

Sunday 8 February 2009

Friday 6 February 2009

51% devil now

V: hi Sunnie, where r u
S: I am in NB, where r u
V: In my own country.
S: please come back sonner
V:why? U wanna to date with me
S: No, i get jealous. I am at work, but u r in holiday. I wanna to see u less happy.

Our priya is very cute

Priya: Sunnie, i tell u a secret. Promise not tell others
Sunnie: Yes, i promise
(after priya say out)
Sunnie: If Amit know this?
Priya: yes he know
Sunnie: if ur family know
Priya: yes, they know.Maybe Richard also know.
(my dearest Priya, still call this secret!)

Stupid suggestion
Z: my bag too heavy
S: take out ur camera to delate some pics. it will be lighter.

Sunnie's English become worse and worse
Amit:i am lucky to have a wonderful chinese lady as my buyer
Meanwhile, Amit send me a linkage, Sunnie thought, ohh a Chinese wonderful lady live in UK bought a product from us. Check the linkage, no lady there, just a nice sofa(our product).
Sunnie: Where is the lady. (after asking, suddenly realize that i am that lady.Buyer not means client )

One boy loves my very much. Every day he insist to come to acompany me after his work. I refused him million times
B: I go to accompany u after work
S: No, i have to work in the evening.
B: I not see u for long time,please
S has refused for million time, thinking, ok, maybe just give him one single chance, but this is nightmare for me.
After some hours
B: I am so sorry. My boss wanna to talk with me this evening. Will u forgive me to not accompany u?
S is so glad, finially not need to accompany him and would like to kiss his boss very much.
(pic is yesterday attend a wedding of good friend)

Wednesday 4 February 2009

learning driving

a friend send me a linkage of girls driving car

All these are video of how future Sunnie drove.

My teacher was arrange me to start learning before Spring festival. But to make sure himself to have a happy new year. I would rather learn after holiday.

And i emphasised to him that :"dear teacher, ask ur wife to prepare some dry jujube" he asked why. Sunnie:"because i am terriblely stupid on learning driving. u will spit out a lot of blood for i am so slow on learning (dry jujube have function of recuperate blood)"

accept others to be different from u

In the past, i was a very insistent girl. if others not agree with me, i will keep on arguing until they give up. Every problem, i think only have one way to solve. every things, i thought should just have one idea. If i not persude u, ok u can persude me. Then we both think this correct.

this character changed until a friend of mine's one word. One thing he and i have different opinions. He is a TV program emcee in LA, USA at age of 45. I thought he have seems more things and knows much more than me. So i said:"ok, i agree on u, and change my idea on this thing" He said:"sunnie, u not need to change ur mind. keep ur own mind plz ".suddenly i realize a lot.

Now i also meet some people have different mind from me on same thing, but i not trying my best to persuade them.

In fact the the world is beaufitul because of difference. Every man's mind is not computer or machine, cannot set a mode. we should face to others with telorante heart on other's different mind and different action on one thing, as long as they not hurt others. And we cannot change our personality because others not like. Such as a a breezy girl change into quiet because ur bf prefer(if later u change a bf who love breezy girl, u change back? Joking). Cannot refuse to buy the cloth u love very much, while ur friend saying ugly.

Besides accept different idea, also should accept different character. Such as my ex-darling--- Christian. U already almost perfect. When u saying i will change that for u. I told u, u not need to change. If i love u, i need to love all of u. Not only the good side, but also the other side. This character is urs, U r unique.As nobody is totally perfect(except Sunnie, hehe, just kidding). As long as that character of urs not hurt others. Just keep it.(but bad character which hurt other may be need to change a little) Even we cannot be together, we still wish each other all the best.

Monday 2 February 2009

plant killer

this time when back to NB, my another fish also died. I am so sorry for them. And also the plant turning yellow.

I am too bad girl, i always need green plant for my room. But never know how to take good care of them. Each of my plant died after some time. Never one survive,even cactus, i can successfully kill them.

So later i call it go to buy victim when buying plant.

Each time when choose a plant, i saw her tears come out, she realise that she will die soon. And her other family member also very sad with tears on leafs, watching her to go to the grave. They totally hate the devil, bad, terrible Sunnie

God bless them!

car price in China

today i accompany my younger cousin to second car shop to choose a car, as second car is worth its cost.

Saw one mini-copper, it is cute. My good friend priya, she own one of that car. She bought it at price of GBP8500 in UK. Brand new one cost about 15 thousand GBP there. In UK average salary is GBP2000. So it means for Uk guy, only u use 4 monthes's total income, u can get a car of mini copper, even the new one, cost about 7.5 month's income.

But price here is brand new one cost about 35 thousand GBP. The second hand one after use for 10 monthes, still cost 25 thousand GBP. While in China, for normal people's salary is 2000RMB,which is 200GBP. Which means for normal chinese, if u wanna a brand new mini copper, u need to take out 175 month's total income, which means 14.5 years.
Come on, it is just a car!!! Holy Quca Moly